Sunday, November 16, 2014


On my 6th birthday, I remember my mom had to work. But she called me and I remember her asking, "So, how does it feel to be six?" I have no recollection of what I said after that or anything else she said, but I do remember that one moment in that day.

Yesterday we celebrated Jacob's 6th birthday - 6! This amazing little boy who is so self-aware and caring and curious and funny and happy and loving and smart is growing into himself so nicely. 

It's so fascinating to see how certain things slowly develop: self-concsiousness, humour, math and reading skills, self-confidence, his own desires and thoughts, the things he says to himself. I am so happy with how much he still shares with me. From what I can see and hear, I think he's very happy with himself, comfortable and proud of who he is. He hasn't turned the corner yet into questioning himself or doubting himself. I am grateful for that. 

So, who is he these days? Here's a little insight....

He enjoys it when I sew and then gets inspired himself. Recently, he asked to make some napkins with me. He was so excited to look through my fabric bin and pick things out. Then he matched up the fabrics himself, picked out the thread colours and the stitch (his favourite part). He wanted to watch me sew them all and kept telling me, "You're the best mom ever!"  He also sorted my pin cushion because.... well, he's that kind of boy. 

:: He tells me, I'm so glad you were born. You were just born so good."
:: He says he's glad I had him. 
:: He shares pieces of his food or candy with me and Fraser, even if it's the last piece of something he really likes.
:: He told me he likes how I colour because I colour so precisely.
:: He really likes math in school and will come home and do some math just because he likes it.
:: He's artistic! He likes craft projects and art class. Some of his art was chosen to be put on display at our local library branch.

birthday invitation of his own design
:: He's a "snow boy". 
:: He loves Legos and sees ball tracks everywhere (still) and asks all sorts of questions and wants us to see all he does. 
:: He loves being read to and is learning to read himself!
:: For his birthday he wanted to invite three people and all he wanted to do was hang out. Which they all did so beautifully, making Perler bead projects together and just enjoying each other's company. He also asked for a flourless chocolate cake for his birthday - that's my boy!

I could go on, but you all get the idea.... he's a good one, this soul. So happy and proud and grateful to be able to celebrate all that he is these days.


  1. That looks just like my pin cushion!!!!!!!!!!

  2. He truly IS "a good one." You and Fraser are doing a great job parenting those two little boys. Can't wait to see them in person on Friday. "Here come" the Georgians!

    Love you.
