Thursday, August 16, 2012

our favourite things

I haven't been writing as much here these days only because there has been so much else that I've been doing. Biting off more than I can chew with my organizing and cooking goals on top of the fact that it's summer and one must spend ample time outside soaking up vitamin D, playing in the water and staring at the blue sky so you can make it through the next 8 months of the grey season - all this makes for not much computer time. 

But we have been enjoying ourselves! Here is a list of some of our favourite things these days:

:: picking oodles of blueberries and eating plenty of them straight from the bush

:: hitting the pool in the morning... and the evening

:: Wreck This Journal - seriously, Jacob asks me to read it to him at (almost) every meal. So far, we've put a lot of food and stains in it, took it in shower with us, burned a page, dropped it from the top of the stairs, rolled it down the stairs....... it's looking pretty good :)

:: listening to the mourning dove call outside the window in the morning - it reminds me of summers as a child when I'd go spend a week at my grandparents' house out in the country. The day would be fresh and new, maybe a rabbit would be on the back patio, the smell of coffee would fill the kitchen and dining room and as I'd eat breakfast a dove would be telling us of his morning.

:: the beautiful weather!

:: homemade pizza, caprese, peaches, salads, corn....

:: my conversations with Jacob: His phrases are getting harder to jot down because they are more complex now and there's more context to them. Here are a few...

M: We have to start packing for camping today.
J: Alright. For camping, let's remember, A) coloured marshmallows, B) Wreck This Journal, C) snuggle.
M: Okay, we'll remember all of that.

When I ask him to do something, he'll sometimes do more than I ask and he'll say, "See, I did more than you expected."

Of course there are just words he says that sound funny coming from a three-and-a-half year old like "oftentimes" or "ornery". 

And today, he laid out his blankets and pillow on the floor (in the doorway) to make himself a bed. For naptime I said we just had to move it away from the door. I lay it out and he says, "I'll pretend that I'm camping!"

:: and, speaking of camping, I am loving the fact that we're going camping again this weekend! We have to fit in as much of this as we can, because even though we know we can brave the rain, we don't really want to.

I hope you're enjoying some of your favourite things, too!

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