Sunday, October 30, 2011

Time with friends

More and more in life I really value my relationships. Life can be very.... busy, distracting, full. It's hard to prioritize things sometimes, labeling things more and less important. Something that will (hopefully) always remain at the top of my list are the people and relationships in my life. 

The bonds we create with others have such power - power to help or to hurt, to strengthen and to challenge. We are a social species, gaining much from those we chose to have around us. It takes time to develop these relationships, to nurture and grow them. Time that is always limited, is never enough. Knowing that there's not enough time, though, makes me work to use it in meaningful ways. I don't always succeed but can say that I'm getting better at it. 

Our lives are the experiences we accrue, the memories we hold ourselves and share with others. What an amazing interconnected web we weave. It is to be honoured, cherished and grown.

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