Sunday, June 2, 2013

insomnia and sprouted almonds

The trick is to not drink too much too close to bedtime. Otherwise, I end up waking up to go to the bathroom and then, if I'm not careful, my mind starts wandering about and sleep gets farther and farther away from me. I'm thinking about all I'll be leaving soon. I'm thinking about all I still want to and have to do. Pretty much, I'm a bit of a wreck. At 3 a.m. So, what's a person to do but get up and write about sprouted almonds?

I have been thinking about sending out this recipe for awhile, actually. Everyone should know how to make sprouted almonds for a few reasons:
a) they're delicious
b) they're good for you
c) it's SO much cheaper to make them yourself

We all know by this point that almonds are very good for our health, raw almonds being better for us than roasted. Personally, I like raw almonds, but it might be hard for some others to give up that nutty, toasted taste. And... sprouted almonds are actually even better for you. When you sprout them, they start to germinate and the slow cooking process destroys enzyme inhibitors, making it easier for your body to digest all the great nutrients within.

All that nutritional mumbo jumbo aside, they are addictively delicious. They have the most satisfying crunch to them. When I chew one, I imagine a little pocket of air within them that pops as I bite down. They really feel like they're bursting in your mouth. I only had to try them this way once, and I was sold.

You can buy them at the store for $15/lb. or you can pay a fraction of that for raw almonds, do a scant amount of work and bingo, your own sprouted almonds. You don't even need to write this one down, it's that easy. So... get yourself to the bulk section, fill a big bag with raw almonds and give yourself over to the magic.

Sprouted almonds
This "recipe" is from my friend, Karen Mount, but you can easily find it elsewhere. For more info on the whole "sprouted" topic, I would refer you to the informative cookbook, Nourishing Traditions .

raw almonds - however many you'd like, although I usually use just enough to fit in a
                          medium-sized, wide-mouth mason jar

Put almonds in mason jar, leaving a couple inches of head room because the almonds will expand. Fill jar with water. Add some salt (I never actually measure but I probably put in 1-2 tsp.). Shake well. Let sit overnight. I find that soaking them for about 10-12 hrs. is just right.

In the morning, turn your oven on the lowest heat setting (that's 170 for mine). Drain the almonds, rinse them and drain them a bit. Spread them out on a baking tin, put them in the oven and forget about them for the day. Go about your business. 

Later that evening, start checking for the distinctive crunch. I usually start checking mine after 12 hours. Sometimes 10 if I'm feeling concerned about burning them. They usually take 12-14 hours to dry out. When you go to taste them, take one out and let it cool. Tasting them while they're still warm will give you a false sense of crunchiness. They have to be cooled a bit to have the crunch. You will know what I mean by "the crunch" because it will be a wonderful mouth experience. However, if you're not sure, try one from the bulk section of your grocery store while you're stocking up on raw almonds.

When they're done, take them out, cool them and store them in your mason jar again (after you've cleaned and dried it, of course). Be sure to share your new found knowledge with everyone; they'll be impressed and want the recipe, too. Above all else, enjoy them.


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