Thursday, June 14, 2012

little things

I don't have much to report today. Jacob and I are headed to MI next week for a whole month (!), so I've been trying to get things straightened out here for when we're gone and really, for when we return. I get a bit stressed out before trips, just thinking that there's more to do than there really is. Or putting more importance on some things than is necessary. 

In lieu of that, I did meditate today. I didn't feel very successful at the time, but my mind feels a bit calmer now. And I've decided to do "me" things first before some of the other things on my list. The meditating was part of that. Then I practiced some guitar. I'm really starting from the beginning on that one but am working on putting more effort toward it. Now I'm blogging. And I've also been doing some catch up in the little Jacob journal I keep. 

Sometimes, when I'm really stressed out about things that aren't really necessary to stress out about, I force myself to not do them. It helps me to step back and really feel that they are not as stressful as I'm making them in my mind. The mind is a powerful thing, to be sure. It's good to remind it of its place sometimes. Remind it of what is true and what is fabricated. I'm not always good at remembering this, but I do try.

And speaking of Jacob stories, he put himself to bed today for nap time! He's still in his crib but the side was down. He told me he was going to go up and climb into bed and that he didn't need me to do anything. Well, then. Eventually I did go and put a blanket on him at his request, but that was all. Not that I expect this to be a pattern, but it was pretty cool, I must say!

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